Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

holidays in the States

hi girls
I'm back from wonderful holidays in the States, Kansas and California
and here you can see my new fabrics for my next projects

but at first I have to finish my UFOS!!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Tolle Stoffe und sicherlich auch tolle Ideen??? Viel Spass beim Verarbeiten!!
    LG von Regina

  2. So schöne Stoffe. Bin gespannt auch die neuen Arbeiten die daraus entstehen werden! :)

  3. All of your fabrics look so wonderful. I've been waiting to see what you got while you were in the US.

  4. When I first seen these fabrics on your FB page my mouth drop open. You bought back with you some beautiful fabrics and colors. I know what ever you plan to do with them will turn out beautiful as many of your work/projects does.
